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Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Farra di Taman

Weekend buat keluarga kami artinya waktunya main ke Pancoran.. ke tempat abang Rifdhan & Eyang Uti. Sabtu 16 April kemarin, on the way menuju rumah uti, ibu tiba-tiba pengen makan rujak.. mampirlah kita ke Taman di Kompleks Perumahan Liga Mas. Disitu emang banyak penjual makanan dan jajanan-jajanan..

Papa pun juga jadi pengen beli mie ayam. Ibu.. nambah beli gado-gado. Ahhh kita emang suka jajan!

Sambil menunggu makanan-makanan itu di olah, ibu ajak Farra main di taman Liga Mas. Eh Farra seneng banget.. main di besi berbentuk bola besar, yang dia bisa masuk, duduk, melangkah, sampe streching. Hehee.. terakhir setelah papa datang bawa makanan, diakhiri dengan main ayunan kayu.. :)

Minggu, 03 April 2011

it's April already

Can't believe it's April already. There gonna be new challenges, new things, new rules and of course new experiences with my little rock princess. 

Well.. there is new regulation in my office starting on April, they called it 'flexi time'. Each employee should choose their work hour, starting from 7.30 until 9.30 valid for 3 months. I choose from 9am to 6pm. Hope will never be late to the office (read: no salary deduction) *biggrin*

Another important things in April is about my biggest project of the year. Yappp.. it has to be run this month. My Dream House. I hope i can tell you more in the next story about how this project runs :)

Anyway... congratulation my dear hubby, finally you got the iPhone4 this month! Hehhee.. after a long journey, looking for it until Singapore, now you got it with very-very affordable price.. I am happy for u, hahaa especially when you take a picture of me. This gadget has better camera than my 3Gs. Shoot more please!

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