Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Halaman, tembok dan kapur

Sekarang emang lagi trend, salah satu tembok di bagian dalem rumah di cat dengan cat tembok hitam, supaya sang anak bisa corat-coret, belajar nulis, gambar dan sebagainya di tembok itu.. as if that's a huge blackboard :)

Tapi ide itu sepertinya kurang cocok diterapkan dirumah ini. Selain saya yang sudah terlanjur cinta tembok-tembok putih disini, papa punya alergi debu yang bisa bikin dia bersin-bersin. Berhubung si kapur ini memang produktif sekali menghasilkan debu setiap kita pakai..

Walhasil, tembok luar nan polos, yang sudah lama di cat abu-abu tua itu pun jadi sasaran pengganti papan tulis tembok. Ga perlu repot-repot hapus, karena habis hujan pasti hilang.. trus bisa gambar lagi deh.. *happy*

Debunya pun terbang bebas, ga bikin kotor lantai *happylagi*

Dan akhirnyaaa kapur-kapur di laci kepake juga.. yayayyaaa

Dari tembok kosong di halaman depan

jadi deh..! 
Hallo... i'm Farra :)

Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Happy Birthday Farra

Time flies.. 

Ga terasa Farra sudah 2 tahun. Semakin berat untuk digendong-gendong, semakin ceriwis, semakin tau maunya apa. 

Seperti halnya anak-anak diumur 2 tahun, Farra pun aktif dengan gencatan pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang apaaa aja. Udah mulai minta apa yang dia mau, dan bisa menolak sesuatu + alasannya kenapa ga suka.. 

Setelah tahun lalu batal karena Farra sakit mata, tahun ini saya dan papa memutuskan untuk merayakan ulang tahun Farra bersama beberapa tetangga, teman dan saudara. Acaranya dirumah saja biar lebih santai (plus hemat ;p ). 

Dekorasi dan pernak-pernik buat sendiri, kecuali Happy Birthday (plus topi kertas) yang dibeli sejak tahun lalu ;p Menu makanannya juga pilih yang praktis: nasi bogana&madura, bakso kuah, somay ayam, sate buah, strawberry mousse. Plus cupcakes, snacks, candy and jelly for the kids.

Happy Birthday Farra
Let's celebrate!  
red, orange & yellow
goodie bag
mini cupcakes
sate buah
suka sama tissue ini > <
birthday girl with ibu & papa

Sayang ga sempet foto dressing tablenya.. belum selesai didekor sudah banyak temen-temen Farra yang dateng. Saya sendiri juga ga banyak foto-foto, hiiikksss

Yang terpenting Farra senang, Papa senang.. dan semua bisa berkumpul :)

NB: thanks to Fanny for Farra's dress, and to all the family&guest thx for coming. xoxo ;-*

Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

New Blog Decor

Just like home, i'm thinking about decorating this blog. 

And this is iiitttt.. (ala chef Farah ;p) my new blog header! 
I change the picture of my scrapbook ornaments into something cute (hehee i hope so!). Something brighter, colorful and cheerio. Something that make me use my macpro and exercise my so-so adobe skills. 

Hope you all who read this blog like it.. and also i hope you all healthy and wealthy.  

Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

Wishlist: All about Chevron

I'm fallin in love with chevron.

Different with that famous oil company, here chevron means a v-shape. Repeated v-shapes. I love the dynamic effect of chevron patterns. See some items below using chevron patterns.. i'm sure you're going to wish, one of these stuffs is yours :)

cute for mug

pretty for plates

Make you own iphone case (if you are an iphone user) in here, customize and make it personal. Try this pattern, make it two, one for me.. xixixii 

iphone case

Still looking for a chair for your living room? This one is nice to have 

beside love the fabric patterns, i love the shape of this chair legs

Make over you cupboard/drawer, put some chevron there.. and look at other stuff for your interior. The rug and ceiling fan.. all beautiful!!!!

cupboard and drawer

b/w or colorful chevron rug, both are beautiful

me like it sooo much!

 Soon, i'll make something chevron for myself. Amiinnnn :)

Senin, 16 Januari 2012

Happy Bday 150112

Happy Birthday Papaaaa...

birthday Daddy

singing: happy birthday to youuu..

one, two, three! uuuuuu!!

with eyang uti

thanks HRC for the arrangement + great steak ;)

Gorgeous and delicious cupcakes made by gorgeous friend, thank you for coming and arrange the cakes Juju.. And thank you BNI for the card promotion :)

Senin, 09 Januari 2012

Cushion Quote

Sofa without cushion, 
seem like french fries without chili sauce

-Lina Mariani-

Wishlist: Cushion Oh Cushion

Wishlist is about sharing my preferences, my ideas, my desire about anything i like. And today i choose cushion. i want to share about my wishlist cushion. Yes, Cushion oh Cushion.. I wish all these cushion are mine :)

Letter. Never fail to catch you eyes (to read). Single letter or words or name. 'k' cushion made from buttons from and letter name cushion made by printing direct to garment can be used to remark your fave seat at home. Now we can easily found printing shop that able to print direct to garment in Jakarta or Bandung (cost about 25k IDR/A4 size media). Let's create our own.. :)

single letter or name cushion

Colorful cushion, as i always in love with colorful things. As a mommy, i can use these colorful cushions to teach my kids about color. Lovely!

colorful cushion from

These raspberry and blue collection from are geometric pattern cushion that i'm sure will cheer up your days. Put one in the chair at your work station :)

Tie Dye. This kind of process that creates natural bright pattern is so happening today! Many wardrobe using tie-dye fabrics for fashion items, cloth, hijab scarf, etc. Why don't we use for cushion? Just like i found at Pretty...

tie dyed fabric for cushion

Ikat Cushion. I'm really sure that Tenun Ikat is coming from my country Indonesia. But in fact, i found a lot of online shop or etsy that sells Ikat Cushion mostly are coming from abroad with pricing more than 1 million Rupiahs/pcs. Woowww.. i feel like been knocked, why i can't make it and sell it?

Ikat Cushion at

Similar with Ikan Tenun, Kain Batik as our heritage also nice for cushion. And heeyyy... this is my first sewing project: batik cushion!

batik cushion made by linasaja

So, which one you like? :)

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